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Tropical Leaves

the MAGUIRE-DOWD platform

These are the values that Sydney and Lexi were elected on. We encourage you to hold us accountable! Check out these statements AND what we're doing Right Now in Senate. If you have questions, concerns, or words of encouragement, use our virtual suggestion box on the home page, send us an email, or come see us in Executive Office Hours!


SGA will establish sustained practices to include diverse voices in Student Government.

As student leaders, it is important to consider the diverse experiences of our fellow students. Members of SGA will consider and collaborate with students of color, queer students, neurodivergent students, and anyone else whose voice should be amplified.


SGA will advocate for environmental sustainability.

As students at the College of Charleston, we are all members of the community of Charleston. As participants in the community, we think it is vital to advocate for and participate in environmental sustainability - especially in a coastal city that sees the effects of climate change so drastically. We will continue to promote the efforts that are being made to create a more sustainable campus and city.


Mental Wellness

SGA will prioritize sustainable mental wellness.

We believe that a well functioning campus provides a strong foundation for mental wellness because not only is The College of Charleston our school, but it is also our home. Campus issues are more than inconvenient; they strongly affect our mental health.

With every problem we solve and concern we hear, we will keep in mind that the solutions are extremely personal. 



SGA will strive to create sustainable partnerships with:

Student Organizations by inviting clubs to engage with Senate as guest speakers each month

Individual Students by seeking your input, and by making information about what we are doing readily accessible​

Administration in order to secure support for student needs and concerns

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